Monday 28 November 2011

Awww Diddums...

This morning I was greeted to find my first two comments!! *fist pump* They were, of course, from my parents, who are hereby dubbed Snow (my father) and Flurrita (my mother). They were, nevertheless, still comments. And that made my day. After reading them, though, I knew immediately what I was going to be thankful for today. Snow's was particularly amusing and has a bit of a story. 

During one Skype call to the parentals, the threshold for complaints was met. Snow's advice, given in his ever gruff and practical manner, was to 'eat more fruit, go to church.' Since then, that has been his thing. I blame it on my grandfather. 

I secretly like the repartee for which my grandfather is so famous. After school my cousins and I could readily predict 4 p.m. was Porgy and Bess time (if you don't know Porgy and Bess, think Gershwin meets Huckleberry Finn). This only after he told us he was going to shit, shave and shower, but before he asked me to neck. He wasn't even upset over the Pilgrim Mix Fight in the back of his car, which involved lots of trail mix and popcorn. 

The point is, today I gave thanks for having a sense of humour (or humor if you're American).  Humour has seen me through the culture shock, long hospital stays and homesickness. Turns out it's harder to write about being funny than I thought, so I reward you dear reader, with a few entertaining photos (or photographs as MacBoyfriend says). 

This is a street post in Amsterdam...just in case you forget...
Come on...that's funny...

A Thai Maccas (or Mickey D's)

Just the way it is in Cambodia...

A Dr Fish'd be laughing if you were having one...

Who has holes in their money? Australia, that's who...


  1. Laughed out loud today. our father has an explanation for ..."Go to chuch, eat fruit". In Baldiese it translates, Be more compassionate and healthy". He had a purpose. He's a little worried because your blog is public. He just stated it's not a forum for us to exchange family secrets....

  2. It is interesting you decided to keep a journal of things you are thankful for on the Internet in a blog open to anyone who stumbles across it. (I checked and it does not come up when you google Lizzie Baldi). If it helps with the Church thing, go for it.

    With the privacy thing taken care of, my favorite comment from My Dad was after I had been chosen all conference in football. He took me aside and said "Joe, for someone with very little natural talent, you have done pretty well". Lesson: stay humble.
