Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Smoke Alarm

Happy New Year all!!

Apologies for the hiatus. Here's what I've been doing:
Sick for a week before Christmas
Perth for Christmas
Borneo for a week (where there was LOTS of sweet f.a. done)
Penang for a wedding
Sick for another week in January (gastro/flu)
Visit to the natropath (resulting in some zinc, magnesium, and REALLY nasty Chinese herbs)

And that's pretty much it...terribly exciting? Not really.

Anyhow, I've been looking for something to be thankful for, and today I found it in the supermarket. My shoes were pinching and I was so very tempted to take them off, in true Australian style, but opted to suffer instead. I just couldn't do it.

So instead, I was thankful for the smoke alarm.

Last week MacBoyfriend caught me leaving the dish towel (or tea towel) a little to close to the stove for comfort. I believe a crack was made (at my expense) about setting things on fire. Today it finally came true. I had three burners going for what was ultimately a huge let-down of a dinner, plain fish, broccoli and really out-of-date corn that was spongy. I put the lid on the broccoli and went to change clothes, wash my face, you know. Then we heard it: piercing sounds of the alarm. Now, this is not such a rarity in our house as the alarm tends to go off when you switch on a light. Just a fun quirk about the place. When it didn't go off, and a strange burning smell came from downstairs, my reply was 'oh shit.'

Luckily we were able to make a speedy rescue (with MacBoyfriend using all his firefighting skills). The towel didn't make it in the end though. It was given a garbage bin burial.

So stay tuned for more fun from our house to yours. I don't think the daily blogging fits in with my full-time job, but the aim this year is for once a week. Happy reading.

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