Thursday 1 December 2011

Tiny Little Joys

Happy First Day of Summer Southern Hemisphere!

Even after a delightful day at work creating a vision for 2012, playing a few games and having lotsa laughs (mostly over funny noises and faces), nothing 'thankful' popped out at me. Poor MacBoyfriend has been home all day not feeling well and was jones-ing to get out by the time I got home. A short spin around the local park and we were talking about the respective children of my two cousins, four-soon-to-be-five in total. Only three days after Thanksgiving, the Major Bacon Family added Baby #2 to their brood, and the Rhymes-With-Pickle Family are expecting Baby #3 (A GIRL!!). Major Bacon Family are living in Germany at the moment and I haven't spent as much time with their clan, but I have no doubt they are just as adorable.

We were lucky enough to spend a week with the Rhymes-With-Pickle Family in Costa Rica at the wedding of Cousin #3, Potato. Their two boys kept us busy in the pool. They were learning to swin and found great delight in nothing more than asking either a) 'can we go underwater together' or b) 'can I see you go underwater'? They were a bit shy of MacBoyfriend (with the deep Voice Like a Whale Song and all) but after they saw him swim a length of the pool without coming up for air, he was golden.

We had a number of fantastic moments with the boys: Boy #2 eating about 10 times his weight in rice and beans, and shouting for 'ricenbeans' in the pool. Boy #1 swimming underwater on his own. Boy #2 so desperate to swim as well as his brother he refuses floats, and the suggestion that we tie him up with a swimming noodle. 'Don't tie me up,' direct quote.

The best was trying to explain to them where MacBoyfriend and I are living, resorting to using Finding Nemo in absence of a globe. Boy #2, after some thought, asked 'do you know Dori?' It doesn't get much better than that.

So, I am hoping she doesn't mind, but here are a picture (or three) of two incredibly precious little boys that I am so thankful to have known better this year. Here's to hoping they are don't bonk their sister on the head TOO hard....

                                  Always at the ready in their little matching outfits!!

Boy #1 always thoughtful and considerate....                                          Boy #2, hard to put down....


  1. I REALLY like reading your blog. Alittle bit of Lizzie. It looks like you put effort into it. I hope the Pickles don't mind their children on the internet.....
