Tuesday 16 October 2012

Holiday....not the Madonna version...

As I piddle around catching up on fellow blogs, I remember the best news all week....FOUR DAYS of 'recognition leave.' With bank holidays, that's a whopping total of 11 days off from 22nd December to 2nd January. Hello 2013, and thank you Australian Red Cross. Don't mind if I do. 

Now what to do...what to do. It's gonna be a scorcher this summer, so hanging around Sydney doesn't sound terribly appealing. We'll leg it up to the Gold Coast to spend Christmas with some family for a few days, but world's the oyster after that. Well, maybe not the world, but at least most of Australasia. 

Suggestions? Thoughts? Complaints? 


  1. Yeah your version is much more awesome than Madonna's, she only got 1 day.

    1. Too right!!! She doesn't know what she's missing...
