Saturday 12 January 2013

Egg salad memories

I'm baaacckkk!!! It's been over a month, and a new year has rolled on through. Firstly, happy New Year and whatever holiday you observe, I hope it was enjoyed with family, friends and was a most joyous occasion.

Now....what have I been up to...

A bit of a shameless plug, but I'm waiting for the Coastrek manual to print.1st March D-Day, so it's t minus six weeks and a few odd days now, and no holds barred training is out in full force! Please visit the page and have a look at what we're undertaking, 50 kilometers (roughly 30 miles or so) walking along the Sydney coast. From Palm Beach to Balmoral for those locals. It's a challenge of all sorts: physical, mental, emotional and will give our feet a run for it's money (pun intended)! There should be spectacular scenery and we're praying for good weather! Watch this space...

There was Christmas and New Year's, the former of which was spent up at the Gold Coast with MacBoyfriend's extended family. It blows my mind that it's hot in January, but also that people still cook turkeys, hams, and lambs among other animals on a 25-30 degree (75-80) day. The Christmas cards also all have snow on them. So there you have it.

But today, I'm really here to talk about egg salad. Yup, egg. Salad. During this most festive of season, I can often find myself missing home and those that are still there. I remember a friend in the UK saying she cried from Thanksgiving to Christmas one year. After Thanksgiving, it really hit home how much the women in my family have taught me.

So I make egg salad because it reminds me of my mom and her kitchen. And that's a  very comforting thought. My job was to cut the eggs using this little silver egg slicer that was just the bees knees. I have no memory of what it tasted like. I'm not sure if she used a recipe or not. If she did, it hasn't been passed down. I don't remember if we ate egg salad often, but do for some reason connect it with my grandmother. All I remember is that egg slicer, and the French's yellow mustard that went in with the eggs. To this day I find mustard a very reassuring thing.

So when I came across egg salad in this book it was lunch served.  So for the past two weekends I've made egg salad for Saturday lunch. This week's included some chopped dill pickles and lemon juice, because how can you go wrong with those two. The last meal game is a favourite of in, if you had to choose your last meal, what would it be?

Today, mine would be egg salad, white bread, and a green salad with little slice of mandarins made by my mother.


  1. A friend of mine did Coastrek last year. It sounds grueling, but I think she was very proud of the accomplishment, at the end. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! It's been tough, but makes you realise just how beautiful the coast is!

  2. I love the silver slicer. I was always allowed to slice the eggs for the salad.

    1. Me too, Pattie!! It's funny the things we remember...
